If your child suffered from birth asphyxia, it might have been due to the medical provider’s negligence. If you believe that your care team did not do all that they could to protect your newborn, then you may want to hire an Mesa birth injury lawyer.
Birth asphyxia can cause immediate health issues and more medical problems for your child down the line. These expenses and stresses can easily add up, which is why some parents pursue compensation with the help of our firm. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 to receive your free case review and learn more about your legal options.
Types of Compensation You Can Recover
Here are some of the losses we can help you seek compensation for after a medical provider’s negligence causes your child’s injury:
Medical Bills
A long hospital stay and emergency care after a birth injury can mean high medical bills, even with insurance. Awarded damages can help cover them.
Costs of Future Care
Your child’s future health problems could require medical equipment, therapies, and prescription medication. You may even need to hire a home aide or renovate your home to accommodate your child’s health issues. These future costs should be accounted for when compensation is calculated.
Lost Wages and Earning Potential
If your child’s injuries required one or both parents to take time away from work, that could mean lost wages. If one or both parents have to cut back on work to care for their child due to continued health problems, that is lost earning potential.
We can factor that decrease in income into your compensation. The future lost earning potential of a child with medical issues stemming from birth asphyxia can be considered as well.
Pain and Suffering
Any other pain and suffering experienced by your family should be considered when we calculate your losses.
Wrongful Death
If the worst happens and your child passes away due to their birth injury, you may be able to pursue wrongful death damages.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
When to Pursue Compensation Against a Doctor or Hospital
According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the mortality rate for newborns who suffer from birth asphyxia is more than 30%. A child who survives can end up living with mild to severe neurological issues.
If you think that this birth injury occurred due to the negligence of your care team, you can pursue compensation for multiple types of damages.
When Your Child Suffers Long-Term Effects of Birth Asphyxia
Birth asphyxia occurs when blood and oxygen cannot get to the newborn’s brain. Your child does not get the nutrients that they need, and acids building up in the cells can begin to cause damage. The severity of the brain damage largely depends on how long the child goes without oxygen and how quickly treatment is administered.
If the brain damage caused by asphyxia is severe, long-term effects can include:
- The development of cerebral palsy
- Delayed mental development
- Low psychomotor scores
- Sensory problems, like blindness and hearing impairment
- Seizures
If your medical providers should have done something differently to prevent asphyxia, you can seek compensation.
Mesa Birth Asphyxia Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Start the Legal Process Quickly
Per AZ Rev Stat (ARS) §15-242, you generally have two years to file your medical malpractice lawsuit and begin pursuing compensation. However, when the victim of medical malpractice is a minor, ARS §12-502 gives them or their family until the child’s 20th birthday to sue.
This can seem like a long time, but caring for a child who suffered a birth injury can keep you busy, and the situation as a whole can cause added stress. A lawyer from our firm can quickly file your case and begin the legal process. You will not have to worry about the statute of limitations when you work with our firm.
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 and learn more about how our firm can help your family.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
How a Lawyer from Our Firm Can Help
An attorney from the Birth Injury Lawyers Group will do more than file your case. A Mesa birth asphyxia lawyer from our firm will:
Gather Evidence
From medical records to the history of your care team, we will consider any evidence that could help make your case and use it to show why you are owed compensation.
Talk to Experts
A lawyer from our firm will talk to medical experts and learn more about your child’s prognosis. This can help us determine fair compensation to meet your child’s future health needs.
Name Liable Parties
An attorney from our law firm will review the facts of the case and name who should be held liable. That could include your primary doctor, another member of the care team, or the hospital itself.
Take Care of All Communications
You do not need to worry about talking to other involved parties. Your lawyer handles all communications and keeps you updated on your case and any developments, including settlement offers.
Represent You in Court, if Needed
If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you and make your case in court.
"Our Birth Injury Lawyers have recovered over $750+ Million on behalf of our clients."
Call an Attorney for Your Free Consultation
Now is the time to see how a Mesa birth asphyxia lawyer can help you. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 and get your free consultation today. There is no obligation, just the chance to learn more about your legal options and how you may be able to recover financially. Start the legal process and hold those negligent parties accountable today.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."