Nothing is more important to a parent than the health of their newborn. Many parents will take precautions throughout a pregnancy and devote months of care, effort and money to ensure their baby is born healthy.
Your family can take action against the medical professional who could’ve prevented your child’s birth injury or illness. A birth injury lawyer in New Hampshire can help you get justice for the errors that were made and you can possibly collect financial compensation.

Baby in a hospital. While your family focuses on your child’s needs, a birth injury attorney in New Hampshire can help with legal proceedings.
Diagnosed Conditions from Birth Injuries
Doctors, nurses, midwives, and other healthcare providers are required to uphold certain standards of medical practice. Their negligence or failure to meet these standards can result in a birth injury.
Some examples of the common types of birth injury claims our lawyers represent are:
- Brachial Plexus
- New Hampshire Birth Asphyxia Lawyer
- New Hampshire Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Lawyer
- Horner’s Syndrome
- Hydrocephalus
- Hypoxia
- New Hampshire Cerebral Palsy Lawyer
- New Hampshire Erb’s Palsy Lawyer
- Bell’s Palsy
- Cephalohematoma
- Cervical Dystonia
- Chorioamnionitis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Dystonia Disorder
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Spina Bifida
- Torticollis
- Kernicterus
- Klumpke’s Palsy Lawyer
- Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
The signs of a birth injury are not always immediately apparent, as some symptoms become noticeable as the child grows. If you notice any developmental delays, seek immediate medical attention, as early intervention can significantly impact the child’s long-term prognosis.
For example, brain ischemia diagnosed early may prevent permanent brain damage. Early detection allows for prompt medical intervention, which can mitigate the impact of reduced blood flow to the brain and minimize the risk of long-term cognitive impairments.
Birth injury cases will always vary on a unique basis. Compensation is essential to addressing the birth injuries or illnesses or to providing long-term care.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Explanations for Birth Injuries
About half of all birth injuries are potentially avoidable by identification and planning for risk factors. Any of the following careless mistakes could have caused an injury and your attorney can investigate every aspect of your child’s medical history, working with some of the country’s very best medical experts to obtain reliable opinions and get you the answers you need:
- Unnecessary force with forceps or vacuum during delivery
- Failure to recognize that the baby is in distress
- Inability/lack of preparedness in dealing with delivery complications
- Failure to diagnose umbilical cord entrapment
- Not performing a medically required C-section in time
New Hampshire Birth Injury Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Maximum Birth Injury Compensation You Can Receive
A baby suffering an injury during birth can face a lifetime of pain and impairment. Negligent medical professionals must be held accountable. In the state of New Hampshire, your family is able collect up to $250,000 in non-economic damages for your medical malpractice case. This is referred to as your family’s pain and suffering.
Your economic damages, however, are your losses assigned with a specific dollar figure. These damages include:
- Medical bills, past and future
- Lost earnings
- Reduced earning ability
- Disability
- Therapy or rehabilitation services
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
What Can A Law Firm Do For You and Your Child?
In order to move past the birth injury and the trauma it likely caused your family, it helps to have a New Hampshire birth injury lawyer you trust and can rely on at your side. A birth injury lawyer can help in the following ways:
- Make decisions about your current and possibly future legal situation
- Provide you with information to make better choices for your child
- Start a lawsuit and recovering damages for medical malpractice
- Win the compensation that will cover the costs of care
- Be an advocate for your child
- Secure government benefits or rectifying reductions in benefits
- Making legal documents for the care of your child
- Hire experts to testify that malpractice transpired
- Collect evidence and total your damages
You can trust that your New Hampshire lawyer will fight for your rights until justice is served. And rest assured, many birth injury lawyers’ fees are contingency-based. You pay nothing until you are awarded your compensation.
"Our Birth Injury Lawyers have recovered over $750+ Million on behalf of our clients."
New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Laws
The laws governing medical malpractice cases vary by state and can be difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, they tend to be biased toward the defendants. According to New Hampshire statute §508:4, you are limited to three years from the time you discovered your child’s disability was caused by medical negligence to file a lawsuit.
Before filing your birth injury lawsuit however, you must go before a screening panel. The board on this panel can take up to six months to decide if your case has merit before allowing you to proceed. Your birth injury attorney can help you through this process.
Birth Injury Lawyer Group is Here to Help
Birth Injury Lawyer Group will be your strongest ally as you try to navigate these uncertain times, and get the answers you deserve. We understand what your family is going through, and we will fight to get your lives back on track after a birth injury.
If you have any suspicion that a medical provider’s negligence caused injury to your child, contact us for a free consultation. We can help give you the peace of mind you crave as you think back and wonder whether the injuries to your child could have been avoided.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."