If your infant recently suffered from birth asphyxia due to a medical professional’s failure to diagnose or treat it, you may be able to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit to hold the health care provider accountable. You also may be able to receive compensation for your child’s injuries and other losses.
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 today for a free case review and to learn more about how an Avondale birth asphyxia lawyer may be able to help you.
Medical Malpractice and Birth Asphyxia
Medical professionals should recognize the symptoms of birth asphyxia promptly and order the proper tests, such as MRIs, CT scans, blood tests, and X-rays, to determine the infant’s health status.
They should also be able to recommend the best therapeutic treatment for the infant’s recovery. This includes guiding the family or infant’s caregivers on how to care for the infant and mother after birth trauma has occurred.
A failure to diagnose or recognize when the symptoms of birth asphyxia occur can have severe results, leading to a medical malpractice claim.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
A Medical Malpractice Attorney Can Help You
If you have a child who suffered birth asphyxia before, during, or after childbirth, you may feel this was preventable or that you did not receive the standard of care you were owed as a patient. If so, you may be able to collect damages from the medical practitioner, health care facility, and other medical staff responsible for the safe delivery of your baby.
An Avondale birth asphyxia lawyer with the Birth Injury Lawyers Group can review the details of your situation and advise you of your legal options.
Your attorney can look further into your case and investigate why your infant suffered a birth injury. They will collect evidence that can build a strong case for financial recovery, including speaking to expert witnesses—such as physicians—who can weigh in with a professional opinion about your case.
Avondale Birth Asphyxia Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
The Statute of Limitations in Your Case
You must file your medical malpractice action within Arizona’s statute of limitations. This deadline is generally two years, per Arizona Revised Statutes §12-542, but an extension may be available when the victim is under 18 years of age.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group Today for a Free Consultation
Medical malpractice cases can be complex. An Avondale birth asphyxia lawyer can help you construct a case for malpractice by establishing the elements of negligence. If your case is successful, you could be awarded damages. For a free case assessment, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529. Get help now.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."