Erb’s palsy is a type of injury that occurs when the brachial plexus region of nerves becomes overextended when the delivering physician or nurse applies force to remove the baby during a complicated birth. Assisting mothers by pulling the child out by force is necessary in certain cases. However, medical professionals facilitating delivery are required to undergo training and follow established medical guidelines to ensure that these procedures are performed safely. If you think your child was a victim of these procedures, you should contact an Illinois Erbs Palsy Lawyer to discuss your options.
Erb’s palsy occurs when hospitals and doctors do not meet their obligation to keep mothers and babies safe. Overextension of the brachial plexus nerves occurs when a child’s head is laterally pushed against the mother’s pelvis. Depending on how much pressure a doctor or nurse applies, nerves may split from the areas in which they meet the baby’s spine and cause significant injury, according to the University of Rochester Medical School. If these injuries go undetected and untreated, they may lead to permanent incapacity of the arm and other affected areas, MedlinePlus reports.
Treatment for Erb’s Palsy
Many cases of Erb’s palsy heal on their own in the weeks or months following birth. However, regular medical observation is strongly suggested to detect the need for more specialized care. When a case of Erb’s palsy does not significantly progress toward recovering autonomously, exercises that utilize the range of motion in the child’s arm are the most common form of treatment, according to MedlinePlus. If physical therapy and all other nonsurgical options have been exhausted and recovery has not progressed as expected, your child may be a candidate for exploratory nerve surgery.
Many children successfully regain mobility and feeling in the affected arm via surgical procedures which reconnect the damaged nerves or transplant unaffected nerve tissue from another donor area of the child’s body, such as those in the leg.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
We Can Help You Pursue Damages to Pay for Treatment
Each of these treatment options can financially drain a family, particularly if frequent treatments are required over a long-term period. If your child’s injuries were caused by a failure on the part of the hospital staff to take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe delivery, you may be able to recover damages for current and future treatment costs. The Birth Injury Lawyers Group is now representing families in Des Plaines at no cost, unless we recover reimbursement for losses related to your child’s Erb’s palsy.
We may also be able to refer you to doctors who specialize in treating brachial plexus injuries sustained during labor. Our birth injury attorneys would like to see every child in Des Plaines that was the victim of careless healthcare providers to receive the treatment they need to make a full recovery. If you have more questions, we would be pleased to take your call at (800) 222-9529. The initial consultation is free. Call our offices to speak with a team member now.
Des Plaines Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
We Can Help You Pursue Damages
When your child is injured by medical malpractice, it is up to you to prove that your baby was actually injured and that the injury would not have occurred but for the hospital’s or doctor’s negligence. While this may seem like a simple task, it is often much more complicated than many parents initially realize.
Some Erb’s palsy injuries occur due to natural and unavoidable circumstances for which medical practitioners cannot be held liable. Thus, it may be necessary to obtain and present medical evidence and testimony from medical experts which support the position that medical malpractice was the actual and foreseeable cause of your child’s unique injury.
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group has assisted countless clients whose children have sustained Erb’s palsy injuries with meeting this difficult standard. Our attorneys are familiar with the complexities of Erb’s palsy medical evidence, and the legal procedures which govern the presentation of such evidence. Our firm may be able to utilize our connections with expert witnesses to support your case. If medical malpractice is the cause of your child’s Erb’s palsy, we will take every step to make sure that the misconduct and those who committed it are revealed. We often recover injury-related expenses for our clients, which may include:
- Past and future costs of therapy
- Charges for hospital and doctor visits
- Medical devices
- Surgical procedures
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death
- Loss of future earnings
- Lost wages
- Intentional misconduct, if any
- All Erb’s palsy related expenses
If your family has incurred these expenses and you suspect that medical misconduct is to blame, you have options. We will review your case free of charge when you call (800) 222-9529.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
How a Lawyer Will Formulate Your Case
We fight for the rights of families in Des Plaines whose children have been negligently injured by hospitals, doctors, and other medical professionals. Our attorneys are prepared to:
- Expose the true cause and the people who are responsible for your child’s injury
- Estimate the actual amount of relief to which you may be entitled
- Arrange medical expert witness testimony
- Seek out medical treatment
- Settle your case before trial
- Fight for your rights before a jury
To help improve the chances that your claim will not expire, you should contact us as soon as possible after a birth injury occurs. If you suspect medical malpractice was involved in your child’s birth injury, reach out to the Birth Injury Lawyers Group immediately at (800) 222-9529. We want to help your family in any way we can. Do not wait. Reach out to our team today.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."