Erb’s palsy is one of the birth injuries that can arise from medical error. Doctors are prone to making mistakes — just as any professional is — but one or more errors by a doctor or other medical professional may lead to a serious, adverse outcome to the patient. In your case, your child may have been the victim of medical error, and both yourself and your child may have suffered numerous losses as a result.
If you want to find out more about medical error or take the first steps in bringing legal action against parties liable for your child’s birth injury, call our team of Georgia Erbs Palsy Lawyers at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 for a free case review by a Macon Erb’s palsy lawyer.
The Basics of Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy is a condition resulting from an injury to the brachial plexus, the group of nerves that run from the spinal cord down the shoulder and neck. Damage to the brachial plexus can result in a number of symptoms, which include:
- An apparently limp arm, which is generally due to the lack of nervous control by your child of their arm
- A lack of sensation in the affected areas due to the nerve damage that has occurred
- Pain in areas where your child does have sensation, which may cause prolonged crying and other reactions symptomatic of persistent pain
No child should have to endure the setback that is Erb’s palsy, but yours may have had to endure the injury, nonetheless. While the majority of children with Erb’s palsy eventually recover completely, some do not. Even if your child does regain complete control of the nerves that compose their brachial plexus, they will have to endure an experience that may have been preventable.
Recovering from Erb’s Palsy
The road to recovery from Erb’s palsy will depend on the nature and extent of your child’s injury. For many, the only necessary treatment will be time and immobilization, with treatment beginning around the time your child turns three weeks old. New parents know that this treatment plan—immobilizing your child especially—is easier said than done.
Some children will require more significant forms of treatment. A few of the more invasive forms of treatment for an Erb’s palsy brachial plexus injury include:
- The transfer of a working nerve into the area that has been damaged
- The transfer of a muscle to an affected area, if your child incurred damage to their muscle as part of their brachial plexus injury
No parent expects to be facing the prospect of surgery for their child, especially not months or a few years into their life. Yet, this is a reality that you may be facing if your child’s case of Erb’s palsy is severe.
It is important to identify if your child’s Erb’s palsy could have been prevented, and to identify who is to blame for Erb’s palsy in respect to your child. The most common place for parents to look is at the physician who delivered your child, but a Macon Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you determine when injury occurred.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Obstetrician Error May Have Caused Your Child’s Injury
When you chose the doctor that was to deliver your child, you put a great amount of trust in the obstetrician, and they accept the duty of protecting your child from harm. And yet, your child emerged from the delivery with a fairly serious condition, and one that may or may not have lingering effects.
Preventable causes of Erb’s palsy frequently occur during delivery. Children who suffer nerve damage characteristic of Erb’s palsy—and, in some cases, related muscle or bone injury—may have been injured because:
- A doctor panicked during delivery, resorting to unnatural tugging on your child’s arm or head
- A doctor failed to order a C-section once it became clear that a vaginal delivery posed a risk of injury to the child
- A doctor used tools meant for child delivery, such as forceps or a vacuum device, in a way that caused injury
- A doctor ignored the advice of other medical professionals and ultimately caused injury to your child as a result
There are other actions completed during delivery that may have contributed to your child’s birth injury, and it is also possible that negligence while you were pregnant contributed to the ultimate onset of your child’s Erb’s palsy.
A Macon Erb’s palsy lawyer will walk you through possible negligence scenarios if you are unsure of what qualifies as a medical error. Call our team at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 to speak further about your case.
Macon Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Do Not Underestimate the Value of a Macon Erb’s Palsy Lawyer
A lawyer’s value shines through in times when clients such as yourself have their hands full. If you are raising a child who has been diagnosed with Erb’s palsy, then you are going through more than the typical new parent, and a lawyer can handle your legal fight for awards so that you do not have to worry.
A lawyer will:
- Conduct an in-person or over-the-phone consultation with you
- Consult one or more medical experts to obtain their advice on negligence that may have played a role in your child’s Erb’s palsy
- Collect any documented evidence that suggests negligence, such as hospital paperwork and witness testimony
- Put together a case for awards based on the details of your child’s delivery and birth
- Handle your case from start to finish
You may be able to agree to a settlement without going to trial if the terms are agreeable. If your case does go to trial, we will be ready.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group to Hear More About Possible Awards
Every case of Erb’s palsy is subject to different circumstances and details. Call our team at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 so that we can hear about your case and advise you on possible awards that you may be entitled to receive.
Do not wait to call, as statutes of limitation vary by state and may impact your window for bringing litigation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."