According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in every 10 infants suffer from some type of birth trauma or injury in the United States. While there are many happy outcomes, some babies suffer serious injuries during birth.
Birth injuries can occur during pregnancy or delivery, and they can affect newborns and infants months after they’re born. Birth injuries can result from medical malpractice or defective products as a result of medical negligence.
You may be eligible to file a medical malpractice claim to collect compensation for the harm your child has suffered. We can connect you with the Colorado birth injury lawyers in our network who will fight for the maximum compensation you’re entitled to under the law.
What Is a Birth Injury?
One out of every three babies experience some type of birth trauma, including brain damage and other complications that can affect the rest of their lives.
Birth injuries are defined as any type of permanent disability or death that occurs during labor or delivery. These injuries can occur before or during delivery. Sometimes, they can occur after birth if there was improper care provided by medical professionals that led to harm to the mother or child.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Types of Birth Injuries
Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or healthcare provider does not follow standard procedures when treating patients resulting in serious harm or death.
Common examples of injuries caused by medical malpractice that our Colorado Springs birth injury attorneys handle include:
- Infection and bleeding in the brain that results from an epidural, forceps, or vacuum delivery
- Excessive blood loss during birth
- Nerve damage caused by a spinal tap
- Brain damage caused by the use of Pitocin to induce labor
There are many different types of birth injuries that have been reported in the United States:
Neural Tube Defects
These defects occur during the first month of pregnancy when the neural tube fails to close properly. This can result in brain damage, spina bifida, and other serious issues for your child. Neural tube defects are more common if mothers do not get enough folic acid during their pregnancies.
Brain Damage
When oxygen flow is disrupted to the brain during birth, it can lead to long-term damage or death of brain tissue (encephalopathy). Brain damage may not show up right away, but symptoms can appear within weeks or months after delivery.
Spinal Cord Damage
Spina bifida is a neural tube defect that causes an incomplete closing of the backbone and spinal cord. Types of spina bifida include:
- Meningocele: This occurs is when only part of the spinal cord protrudes through an opening in the vertebrae (bones)
- Myelomeningocele: This occurs when part or all of the spinal cord protrudes through an opening in the vertebrae along with meninges (membranes)
Cerebral Palsy
This is a lifelong disability that affects movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy can be caused by brain damage during pregnancy or birth, but it’s also possible to have cerebral palsy without any known cause.
Brachial Plexus Injuries
This type of injury occurs when there is damage to the nerves in the neck area. These nerves control the arms and hands, so if they become damaged during birth, it can result in nerve damage and loss of function in these areas.
Amputation occurs when an infant’s arm or leg must be removed because it’s severely damaged during birth. Amputations are often the result of a prolonged labor and lack of oxygen in the umbilical cord.
When a baby’s arm or leg is damaged during birth, it can lead to permanent disabilities. In some cases, amputation isn’t necessary and the child can be fitted with prosthetics.
Colorado Springs Birth Injury Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
How do I Know if My Child Has Sustained a Birth Injury?
A doctor should evaluate your child within 48 hours after being born to make sure he or she is developing normally and does not have problems with feeding, breathing, or other important functions. A doctor will also check for signs of physical abuse, such as bruises or broken bones.
If you suspect that your child may have sustained a serious injury during labor or delivery, contact your pediatrician immediately for an evaluation to determine whether further treatment is needed. It’s important to get medical help quickly because some symptoms may not appear until several days after the event occurred.
If your child has suffered a birth injury, you should speak with an experienced Colorado Springs birth injury lawyer as soon as possible. These injuries can have lasting effects, and they may require extensive medical treatment. In some cases, they can even result in death.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Why You Need a Colorado Springs Birth Injury Attorney
If your child has been injured in the hospital during delivery or shortly after birth in Colorado Springs, you may be eligible for compensation. But filing a medical malpractice claim means that you need an experienced birth injury lawyer on your side.
Without legal representation from an experienced lawyer, insurance companies may try to deny coverage for certain procedures or tests performed during pregnancy or after delivery (like ultrasounds).
These procedures aren’t considered “medically necessary” in their opinion. However, doctors feel otherwise and recommend them anyway because they want to ensure that everything possible is done to help both you and your baby.
"Our Birth Injury Lawyers have recovered over $750+ Million on behalf of our clients."
Contact an Experienced Birth Injury Lawyer Today
If you or your child was injured during delivery, you may be eligible for compensation. That’s why it’s important to contact an experienced birth injury lawyer as soon as possible after the incident occurs so that evidence can be preserved and evaluated by experts who have no stake in this case except for ensuring that justice is served.
A Colorado Springs birth injury attorney can help you understand your rights after your child suffers from a birth injury due to negligence on the part of doctors, nurses, or other medical staff. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."