Infants can suffer brain ischemia when unexpected complications arise during late pregnancy, labor, or delivery. If a medical professional’s error or incompetence causes an infant to suffer brain ischemia, the medical professional may be held accountable through a medical malpractice claim or lawsuit.
If your baby suffered brain ischemia due to negligent medical care, you may be able to bring a birth injury action against the negligent party that compensates you for medical bills, lost income due to missed work, pain and suffering, and other damages.
An Illinois brain ischemia lawyer can help you determine if your infant’s injury or death was preventable and pursue compensation for your damages. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 today for a free consultation.
Medical Negligence Can Lead to Infant Stroke During Birth
If your baby suffered brain damage from brain ischemia, you may be unsure of what caused your infant’s injury or death and wonder if the birth injury was preventable. While some birth injuries are unavoidable, others are caused by negligent medical care.
Failure to Account for Stroke Risk Factors
Medical professionals know that certain factors increase the chances of an infant suffering brain ischemia during birth. If a mother or infant has one or more of these risk factors, medical staff should be vigilant for signs that the baby is suffering from reduced blood flow to the brain.
According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, factors that increase a baby’s chances of suffering a stroke include:
- Family history of seizures and neurologic diseases
- First-time mothers
- Rupture of membranes
- Prolonged labor
- Nuchal cord and other umbilical cord problems
- Thick meconium
- Abnormal cardiotocography
- Vacuum extraction or “ventouse”
- Infections
- Shoulder dystocia
- Fever
Infant brain ischemia may also be caused by:
- Placental abruption
- Preeclampsia
- Diabetes
- Maternal drug abuse
Failure to Recognize and Treat
Doctors and other medical staff are not expected to be perfect. However, they are expected to provide reasonably competent medical care to patients. A medical professional or a medical facility such as a hospital may be liable for a birth injury when:
- The staff failed to meet the accepted medical standard of care.
- The patient suffered injury or death due to substandard care.
- The patient or the patient’s family sustained damages.
Some examples of medical negligence that could lead to birth injuries such as brain ischemia include:
- Failure to recognize the signs of reduced blood flow to the infant’s brain
- Failure to properly monitor the infant’s heart rate
- Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis
- Failure to order the necessary medical tests, such as a CT scan
- Delayed treatment or incorrect treatment
- Failure to refer the patient to the appropriate specialist
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Consequences of Brain Ischemia Can Be Severe
If your baby has suffered brain damage because of a birth injury, they may require significant medical intervention resulting in massive medical bills. You may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses and other costs through a birth injury claim or lawsuit.
An Aurora brain ischemia lawyer can investigate the causes of your child’s birth injury and determine if medical negligence is to blame. If your child’s injury was caused by insufficient medical care, you may have a valid birth injury case. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 for a free consultation.
Aurora Brain Ischemia Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
The Statute of Limitations in Your Case
In Illinois, there are certain time restraints called statutes of limitations for medical malpractice cases. You generally must bring your legal action within four years of the injury or two years after discovering the injury, per 735 ILCS 5/13-212(a).
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If your infant suffered brain damage during birth, you may be entitled to financial recovery for your damages. You could be compensated for past and future medical bills, lost wages from missed work, pain and suffering, and other damages.
An Aurora brain ischemia lawyer can help you build a strong case and advocate on behalf of you and your child. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 today for a free consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."