Erb’s palsy can leave a child’s shoulder, chest, arm, and hand limp and may be caused by errors committed by a doctor or other medical professional before or during birth. Erb’s palsy is not only an alarming and unexpected reality for parents to face but can also put a child behind in terms of their physical development—and could even leave them with a long-lasting or permanent disability.
If your child has received a diagnosis of Erb’s palsy, a Highlands Rach Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you sort through the details of your case and help you decide if you would like to bring legal action. Call our team at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 for a free consultation.
Erb’s Palsy Can Cause Physical and Emotional Trauma
Erb’s palsy is a form of injury to the brachial plexus, a critical web of nerves that connect your spinal cord to your chest, shoulder, arm, and hand. When these nerves become injured—often because of excessive stretching—Erb’s palsy is one of the possible results.
The symptoms of Erb’s palsy may include:
- A seeming slackening of your child’s arm that makes it appear limp
- A lack of sensation in your child’s arm that is affected by the Erb’s palsy
- An inability for your child to lift or otherwise move their arm as they would, had they not suffered an injury characterized as Erb’s palsy
There is hope for parents whose children are diagnosed with Erb’s palsy. More often than not, the condition is treatable with time, therapy, and healing of the nerves that have been damaged. However, if your child’s Erb’s palsy was preventable, then you and your child have been put through distress, hardship, and inconvenience that you should not have been.
Erb’s Palsy May Have Detrimental Effects on Your Child’s Development
Every parent who receives treatment from an obstetrician or another doctor who administered care to them and their baby has a basic right: to remain free from avoidable harm. If a doctor did not uphold the standard of care they owe you, then you should hold them accountable for their actions or inaction.
After all, your child may be facing a set of hurdles imposed by their Erb’s palsy, which may have been preventable. These may include:
- A lengthy period in which they cannot use the affected parts of their body as they should be able to
- A series of doctor’s visits and rehabilitation appointments that would not be necessary aside from the Erb’s palsy
- Possible delayed physical development caused by the Erb’s palsy
As parents, you will also face these hurdles alongside your child, and may find yourself affected by any distress or pain that your child feels because of their nerve injury. If it is not already, it will almost certainly become clear why it is important to hold those responsible for your child’s injury accountable in civil court.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Medical Malpractice Requires Accountability
It does not matter whether a medical professional has the best of intentions — if they fall short of their duty to protect their patients from harm, they must be held accountable. Possible defendants in a case of Erb’s palsy may include:
- The medical facility where you received prenatal care or gave birth, as they may have a measure of liability for the actions of their employees
- The obstetrician or other doctors who participated in your prenatal care or the birth of your child
- Other medical professionals who acted in some way that may have contributed to your child’s Erb’s palsy
A lawyer can help you figure out who all is responsible for your child’s birth injury. In many cases, the doctor responsible for your child’s safe birth is the most likely defendant, as they may have:
- Put pressure on your child’s body that caused Erb’s palsy. This may have included tugging on the arm or head in a way that caused the nerve damage known as Erb’s palsy.
- Been in an unfit condition to deliver a baby, such as lacking adequate sleep or being under the influence of an intoxicating or otherwise behavior-altering substance.
- Failed to exhaust other courses of delivering your baby that could have avoided an outcome of Erb’s palsy.
- Failed to inform their assistants of alternative plans of delivery, leading to confusion and panic that contributed to your child’s injury.
- Used devices intended to help deliver your child in a way that was inappropriate, and in doing so caused damage to your child’s nerves.
Lawyers often rely on experts in the field of medicine who can analyze the defendants’ behavior, assessing any behaviors that may qualify as negligence. Your doctor’s liability may also extend to your prenatal care. Call our team at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 to discuss your case further.
Highlands Ranch Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Civil Court Is One Path to Justice
Civil court is a way for parents like you to obtain justice for wrongdoing that caused you or your child harm. A Highlands Ranch Erb’s palsy lawyer will:
- Conduct an in-person or over-the-phone consultation to record and analyze the details of your claim
- Help you identify who is responsible for your child’s Erb’s palsy
- File your case in court as soon as possible
- Consult medical professionals who can provide value to your lawsuit
- Collect, organize, and present any evidence of negligence
- Make you aware of any settlement offers available to you
- See your case through from start to finish
If your case is a success, you may be able to obtain financial coverage for:
- The cost of your child’s physical therapy
- Additional medical costs related to your child’s Erb’s palsy
- Awards for your pain and suffering
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Call the Team at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group Today
We offer a free consultation to all of our clients as we want to answer any questions that you may have without any commitment. Call a Highlands Ranch Erb’s palsy lawyer with the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 for a free consultation. Do not wait, as a statute of limitations may limit your window for bringing legal action.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."