Early diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is important because it increases your children’s odds of surviving birth and living long, healthy lives. Failure to diagnose and treat this rare but serious condition can increase your children’s risk of heart complications, other organ problems, and death.
Early Detection and Treatment Save Lives
The progression of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is measured in five stages, with Stage I being the earliest and Stage V being the latest. Stage V is characterized by fetal death; by this point, it is too late to save the children. At Stages I through IV, successful intervention is still possible.
A 2020 study published in Ultrasound Obstetrics & Gynecology shows that the odds of both your children surviving TTTS is highest at Stage I. Both twins survived in 70 percent of cases that were treated at Stage I.
The likelihood of saving both twins decreases during the next two stages, from 66.4 percent at Stage II to 45.4 percent at Stage III. Intervention at Stage IV succeeded in saving both twins in 53.7 percent of cases.
Fortunately, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is often easily detected via ultrasound. The goal of early detection is not necessarily for your doctor to act right away. In some cases, your doctor may take a “wait and see” approach, keeping a careful eye on you/your partner and the twins to see if the condition worsens.
Whether they intervene immediately or not, early diagnosis is still a plus: the earlier your doctor is aware of the condition, the more time they have to perform additional tests and decide on an appropriate course of treatment.
Seeking the Financial Compensation You Need
Your right to file a lawsuit is finite. Each state has its own set of laws regulating how long malpractice victims have to seek compensation; the time limit is generally a few years. If you start your lawsuit within the allotted period, you may be able to collect damages.
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages encompass the physical and psychological injuries that the TTTS has caused and its aftermath. Examples include:
- Pain and suffering: Your children experienced physical distress as a direct result of the untreated or poorly treated TTTS.
- Reduced quality of life: The lingering effects of TTTS may prevent your child from participating in certain activities or necessitate lifelong treatment.
- Disability: One or both of your children developed a physical or mental disability because of the birth injury.
Economic Damages
Economic damages encompass the money you lost because of the birth injury. Examples include:
- Medical care costs: You sought additional tests or treatment to try to save your children, either before, during, or after birth.
- Lost income: You and/or your partner stayed home from work to recover from or help your children recover from TTTS.
- Lost earning capacity: You and/or your partner will have to take extra time off in the future to care for your children, take them to doctors’ appointments, and so on.
How a Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help You with Your Lawsuit
You may have to negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company or even schedule a trial to get the money that you need and deserve.
Instead of trying to handle your case alone, you may find it helpful to hire a lawyer. They can put your mind at ease and give you more time to spend with your family by:
- Guiding you through the entire process so that you always have the information you need to make smart legal decisions
- Investigating your case so that you have all available evidence to support your recovery
- Calculating damages so that the money you ask for reflects your needs while fitting within legal limits
- Filing paperwork so that you can be sure your case moves through all the steps in a timely manner
- Communicating with the liable party so that you do not have to personally notify them about your lawsuit or talk to them
- Fighting for your money, whether at the negotiating table or in the courtroom, so that you can get the compensation that meets your needs
Call an Attorney for Help Today
Nothing matters more than your children’s health. An early diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is important for increasing their chances of survival. If your doctor failed to diagnose them or provide treatment in time, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 today. We can assess your case at no cost or obligation.