A birth injury lawyer from our law firm can advise you regarding who you can sue for a newborn brain hemorrhage. Though every medical malpractice victim’s circumstances are different, you might sue:
- A doctor
- A hospital
- Another type of medical facility where the injury occurred
- Other medical professionals who caused or failed to prevent a newborn brain hemorrhage
Our legal team can review the specifics of your case, gather evidence, and determine who you could name as defendants in your lawsuit.
Our Legal Team Will Know Standards for Liability in Your Case
When medical malpractice occurs, numerous parties may have liability. The American Bar Association (ABA) explains that negligence is one standard of liability for personal injury cases, but it may not be the only standard applicable to your case.
A medical professional, such as a doctor, may have been negligent in causing or contributing to your newborn’s birth injury. Such a doctor may be one of the defendants who you can sue for a newborn brain hemorrhage.
A doctor’s negligent acts may have included:
- Using forceps in a way that caused your child’s bleeding
- Failing to identify any prenatal condition that increased the risk of a hemorrhage occurring
- Failing to respond appropriately to any known health conditions you or your child have
- Failing to order an emergency C-section when doing so may have prevented a hemorrhage
The standard for negligence is that a person did not act as a reasonable individual would have under similar circumstances. Your lawyer will work with medical experts to determine if negligence contributed to your child’s hemorrhage. If it did, they would sue the negligent individual.
One or more defendants named in your lawsuit may not have been negligent but could still be liable.
A hospital or other type of facility where your child’s injury occurred may not have contributed to your child’s injury. However, they may be liable for the actions of those they employ or allow to operate within their facility. This relationship could make them responsible for some share of your losses.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
You May Be Entitled to Financial Coverage for Your Losses
Hiring a lawyer from our law firm to conduct a lawsuit means that you are seeking financial coverage for your losses. They could recover compensation for the harm that you and your child have experienced.
Losses that you may be entitled to recover include:
- Your child’s pain and suffering
- Your pain and suffering
- The loss of your child’s life if their hemorrhage was fatal
- The cost of medical care required to treat the hemorrhage
- Any medical costs you were charged for your child’s delivery
- Future caregiver costs for your child if their hemorrhage has caused lasting health issues
Every medical malpractice victim has a unique experience. Our team will not be able to calculate your losses accurately until we speak with you and gather necessary documents.
We want to get to work on your case as soon as possible. Call our team to begin gathering evidence for your case right away.
Our Team Can Complete Your Lawsuit on Your Behalf
Our law firm handles newborn brain hemorrhage cases, which is why we want to be sensitive about your situation. Your child’s health may be uncertain, or your child may have passed away because of their birth injury. After a free consultation, we can handle your case so that you do not have to worry about that aspect of your life.
A lawyer from our team may complete your case by:
- Consulting medical professionals who understand birth injuries
- Acquiring experts’ testimony about why your child’s birth injury happened
- Gathering evidence showing medical malpractice
- Drafting and filing your lawsuit
- Calculating the value of your losses
- Determining each defendant’s share of your losses
- Negotiating a settlement
We will defend your rights throughout the legal process. We can also keep you updated on the progress of your lawsuit as you wish.
Your Child’s Brain Hemorrhage May Have Been Preventable
The journal Clinics in Perinatology explains the many ways to prevent hemorrhages in newborn children. Even if it is not clear that the injury could have been prevented, the defendants in your case may have failed to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk to your child.
We can pursue compensation from all parties who have liability for your child’s hemorrhage-related losses.
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group Today
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group may be able to help in the wake of your child’s birth injury. For a free case review, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529.
Your family may be experiencing extremely difficult circumstances, and the Birth Injury Lawyers Group might be able to help with your case for financial recovery.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."