Types of malpractice that may cause brain hemorrhage in premature babies include:
- Failing to diagnose a condition during pregnancy that is a risk factor for newborn hemorrhage
- Causing injury with forceps during delivery
- Failing to take any measure that may have prevented a newborn’s hemorrhage
- Using drugs known to increase the risk of newborn hemorrhage, as detailed by the journal Neurology of the Newborn
- Failing to properly diagnose or treat a hemorrhagic disease, which StatPearls explains as a risk to newborns
Much can go wrong during pregnancy and childbirth. A newborn brain hemorrhage can affect a premature baby in the days or weeks following their delivery. Our law firm can review your case and determine where malpractice may have occurred.
We Can Work Alongside Medical Experts to Build Your Case
Medical experts can explain the types of malpractice that may cause brain hemorrhage in premature babies. They may also be able to distinguish between unavoidable medical errors and failures that qualify as malpractice.
Our legal team and the medical experts we consult can review your pregnancy and labor to identify malpractice.
Failure to Diagnose May Have Led to Your Child’s Injury
Failure to diagnose is one type of malpractice that may have contributed to your child’s brain hemorrhage. The doctor overseeing your pregnancy might have failed to recognize:
- The risk that your child would be born prematurely
- Any conditions that would increase the risk of a complicated delivery
- That certain medications would increase the risk of a newborn brain hemorrhage
- Any other conditions that were relevant to your child’s injury
The quality of care you received during your pregnancy could be as important to your medical malpractice case as the events that occurred during delivery.
Birth Injuries May Occur During Delivery
The hemorrhage that your child suffered may have been caused directly by the actions and decisions of medical professionals during childbirth. Johns Hopkins explains that medical errors are a significant problem in the United States, and your child may be the victim of one or more of them.
The journal Neurosurgery states that the use of forceps is associated with certain forms of hemorrhages in newborns. A doctor may have:
- Used forceps when doing so was not necessary
- Used forceps in a damaging manner
- Caused your child’s injury through the use of forceps
The doctor may have failed to order an emergency C-section when doing so may have reduced the risk of your child’s hemorrhage. Your lawyer and the experts they hire will thoroughly review your case to determine why your child’s injury happened and who is at fault.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
A Lawyer from Our Team Can Seek Compensation for Your Losses
Hemorrhages in premature or full-term babies may prove fatal. If your child has not passed away, they may have lasting symptoms related to their injury.
Whatever the specific outcome of your child’s birth injury, you have experienced significant trauma. Your lawyer will seek compensation for damages that you and your child have suffered, which may include:
- The cost of medical care marred by negligence
- The cost of care for your child’s hemorrhage
- Pain and suffering inflicted on both you and your child
- The cost of psychological counseling for you
- The cost of future medical care and caregiving services that may be required because of your child’s injury symptoms
You may be entitled to compensation for other damages stemming from your child’s injury. Hemorrhages can affect victims in different ways. Parents may also experience varying symptoms of trauma.
We Will Ensure the Completion of Your Case
Our team can represent you for the duration of your case. We will conduct an initial meeting to gather your account of events and then take the steps necessary to resolve your lawsuit.
Our goal will generally be to secure a settlement that allows you to cover your losses and receive justice without having to go to court. Settlements are the most common outcome for lawsuits. During your lawsuit, your lawyer may:
- Interview witnesses
- Document your losses and your child’s losses
- Make an evidence-based case for malpractice
- Take any other necessary steps to complete your case
A lawyer from our team can defend your rights. Our services can allow you to focus on recovering from your trauma.
Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group Today
A lawyer may be able to help you pursue financial recovery after a newborn brain hemorrhage. For a free case review, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529. A lawyer may be able to initiate your case once you complete your free consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."