Aside from bruising associated with childbirth, it is generally not normal for babies to bruise easy. Bruising is one of the most common types of birth injuries, especially in long and difficult deliveries. However, these bruises usually resolve without any additional treatment.
Bruising in infants who are not mobile on their own is unusual once any birth injuries heal. According to a study shared by PubMed, 2.2% of infants who could not yet walk with support managed to bruise themselves, compared with 17.8% of those who could walk with support and 51.9% of those who were walking independently.
Accordingly, if an infant who is not yet walking with assistance develops bruises, there may be a serious medical reason why. This could indicate hemophilia, leukemia, or other medical concerns.
The Relationship Between Bruising and Birth Injuries
It is normal for babies to bruise easy during the labor and delivery process, although severe or extensive bruising may indicate a more serious injury or traumatic birth. There are several risk factors that may increase the risk of bruising during labor and delivery. These include:
- Large babies
- Premature babies
- When the head will not fit through the birth canal
- Breech births and other unusual presentations
- Forceps or vacuum delivery
- Other causes of prolonged and difficult deliveries
Whenever a baby is born with serious bruising, it is important that they undergo a thorough evaluation to rule out other types of birth trauma. This is especially true when the bruises occur on the head, neck, or shoulders, or if there are marks left by forceps or a vacuum extractor device.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Excessive Bruising in Babies Could Indicate a More Serious Problem
In most cases, a bruise on a baby is just a bruise. A doctor may determine that your baby will likely be fine, and the bruise will disappear over the next few weeks. Any other cause is overwhelmingly rare. However, if you spot a number of bruises that appear on your child after their birth injuries have healed, see your doctor. There may be a more severe injury or another cause.
Your doctor will likely look at the bruising, attempt to uncover the cause, and possibly run additional testing to determine if there may be a more significant concern. This could include:
- Hemophilia or another inherited blood clotting disorder
- Infant leukemia
- Another condition that requires observation, treatment, or emergent care
Bruising and Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Cases
In most cases, bruises alone will not support a viable medical malpractice case. However, if your child suffered bruises and other injuries or excessive bruising because of medical negligence, you may be able to seek justice for your child by holding the negligent doctor or the hospital responsible.
A lawyer who handles birth injuries may be able to help you:
- Build a case to show that medical malpractice injured your child
- Hire medical experts to testify that the care you received fell below a reasonable medical standard
- Calculate the value of your damages
- File your claim and represent you in settlement negotiations
- Take your case to trial, if necessary
This may allow you to recover damages such as:
- Your child’s current and future medical care costs
- Your lost wages
- Pain and suffering and other non-economic damages
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group May Be Able to Help You
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group represents families in medical malpractice lawsuits nationwide. We may be able to help you build a case against the party responsible for your child’s injuries. Our firm handles all communications, paperwork, and deadlines on behalf of the families we represent, and can answer your questions and keep you posted on the progress of your case so you can focus on your child’s wellbeing.
To learn more in a free consultation with a representative of our firm, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529. A member of our team is available now to speak with you about your child’s birth injury and help you understand the merits of your legal case.
We offer representation on a contingency-fee-basis with nothing due upfront. In this arrangement, our clients do not pay our attorney fees unless and until they recover compensation via a settlement offer or court awards.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."