You may know that a newborn’s broken bones are incredibly flexible to handle the pressures of childbirth. You may not know they can still break. These breaks can become incredibly painful and could lead to deformity if they’re not corrected.
Speak with our Maryland infant broken bones attorneys today if you suspect your infant suffered a broken bone before, during, or soon after birth. You and your baby may be owed significant compensation, especially if complications arise because of untreated broken bones.
Prognosis of Infant Broken Bones
If a broken bone is caught early and treated, an infant can heal completely without complications. However, if the bone heals and it’s not aligned right, then it can cause deformity and incredible pain as your baby grows. Your baby may need surgery and have the bone re-broken so it can heal right, which will put them through even more suffering.
The trick is catching them early. A baby doesn’t know how to point out a subtle break in the bone. When an infant has a fracture, it’s usually a greenstick fracture that doesn’t break the bone completely. These can make them hard to detect, but a doctor knows how to find them.
Doctors who don’t notice broken bones in infants must be held accountable to parents who have to pay for correcting the problem. Our birth injury lawyers in Maryland will help you do that through finding out what happened and suing your baby’s medical providers for you.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
How Do Newborn Bones Get Broken?
While there are cases where a dropped baby or misuse of delivery devices cause broken bones, many newborn broken bones are fractured for more subtle reasons. These include a newborn that’s too large, a birth canal that’s too small, or a baby getting stuck on the mother’s pelvis.
The most common broken bone in an infant is the collarbone because that’s where they’re likely to get stuck in the birth process. The pressure of a mother’s contractions can flex the collarbones until they break. These breaks can also affect the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves that controls the arms.
Doctors should warn mothers about the potential risk of a broken bone and offer alternatives to prevent problems like a C-section. They should also take a baby for medical imaging after a long labor to confirm there are no broken bones. Doctors who don’t could be liable later.
Maryland Infant Broken Bones Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Are All Infant Broken Bones Preventable by Doctors?
No doctor can guarantee a baby will be born completely healthy. Some genetic conditions cause incredibly brittle bones in babies that make them impossible to avoid. Yet if your medical team broke the standards of care, they may be liable.
Our Maryland infant broken bones lawyers will help your family discover what caused your child’s broken bone and whether your doctor could have prevented it. We will examine your child’s medical records and interview medical experts to get you answers.
If we determine that malpractice caused your child’s broken bone, then we can help you sue your doctors to pay for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages. If you suspect your child’s broken bone could have been prevented, call us now to get legal advice.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Does Maryland Have Damage Caps for Malpractice Cases?
There are no limits on economic or punitive damages in Maryland, but there is a cap on noneconomic damages. This includes pain and suffering, deformity, and other damages that do not have a dollar amount attached to them.
This amount is adjusted for inflation each year. For 2023, the maximum amount you can get in noneconomic damages for a case where the victim survives is $920,000. In extremely rare cases, like with undiagnosed osteogenesis imperfecta leading to multiple shattered bones, you may reach this limit.
We will fight for every penny you’re owed, but you should know of this cap. Even if a jury awards you more, Maryland law will limit how much you can get. Remember that there are no limits for economic or punitive damages.
"Our Birth Injury Lawyers have recovered over $750+ Million on behalf of our clients."
When Do I Need to File my Infant Broken Bones Lawsuit?
For adults in Maryland, the deadline for suing is five years after the injury or three years after the discovery of an injury. This may apply if the mother also was victimized by malpractice during birth. For babies, the deadline is much longer.
In 2022, previous deadlines for pursuing malpractice cases for minors were lifted. The clock is paused until the patient turns 18, then starts again once they are an adult. Don’t let this lull you into a false sense of security though.
The sooner you start your case, the easier it will be to win. As time passes between when an injury happened to when you sue, evidence and memories could get lost or changed. This will make it harder to win your case.
Further Rules for Malpractice Cases in Maryland
There are special procedural requirements in Maryland for malpractice cases that require you to hire an experienced Maryland infant broken bones attorney instead of suing on your own. These include expert certification and possible arbitration.
In order to start a lawsuit, we must consult with a medical expert and get testimony that your child was the victim of malpractice. If the damages were more than $30,000, you may have to go through arbitration first before you’re permitted to take your case to trial.
These additional legal burdens make it hard for victims to get justice, but it’s not impossible. We’ve helped families get over $750,000,000 in damages over our years of service. We will help you steer past the legal obstacles so you can achieve justice for your baby.
Call Our Infant Broken Bones Attorneys in Maryland Now
If your infant suffered a broken bone at birth, you deserve to get answers. No child should have to suffer such an injury unnecessarily. If they did, our birth injury attorneys in Maryland will help you get compensation for what happened.
Start your case now by calling us for a free consultation. If you hire us, our services are free until you win compensation in your case. Call now and you’ll be one day closer to getting the money you need to care for your child’s injury.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."