Erb’s palsy is a disorder that affects the nerves of the arm. It varies in degree and severity depending on the extent of nerve damage sustained. It occurs as a result of an injury to the brachial plexus, which is where the nerves that travel from the spine to the arm converge. It lies near the neck and shoulder and can be injured or damaged during or soon after childbirth.
During birth, there are many ways that nerve damage in the neck can occur. For example, a large baby can become stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone, or a baby can have a breech—or bottom-first—presentation. If this happens, the delivery team may have to use force to pull the baby from the birth canal. They may push the baby’s head one way or the other or tug the baby too forcefully, causing nerve damage in the process.
A Waco Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you understand the cause of your child’s condition and any legal implications. We may be able to file a claim for any damages to which you are entitled if your child sustained a preventable brachial plexus birth injury as a result of medical errors or negligence.
Contact the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 to learn more.
Causes of Erb’s Palsy in Waco, TX
Erb’s palsy occurs when the nerves in spinal sections C5 and C6 are twisted, stretched, pinched, torn, or ripped away from the spine. The union of the roots of sections C5 and C6 occurs at Erb’s point, named after the doctor who discovered the condition. These nerves control movement and sensation in the arm and in some parts of the chest and shoulders.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, stretching of the nerves is called neuropraxia and is often a mild injury. Nerves can also be pinched, as happens with a neuroma, which is when scar tissue develops after a nerve heals from damage, and this scar tissue ends up squeezing the surrounding nerves.
A rupture is when a nerve tears and detachment of a nerve from the spine is called an avulsion. Ruptures and avulsions are the most serious types of nerve damage that can occur. When they occur, the patient may suffer partial or complete paralysis of the affected arm, depending on if the nerves in question were completely torn. The effects of this type of nerve damage can range from pain, discomfort, and weakness to a total loss of movement in the arm along with eventual muscle loss in the shoulder and biceps.
The child’s initial symptoms following birth may not be indicative of the severity of their injury. Even if the baby is unable to move the arm at all or only be able to move the arm in specific ways, recovery may be possible. For those who sustain a lasting injury, it can affect many aspects of their lives and cause life-long challenges. However, these children often adapt well.
If a birth complication or emergency occurred when your child was born or if he or she diagnosed with Erb’s palsy or another birth injury, a Waco Erb’s palsy lawyer may be able to help. Speak to a birth injury attorney at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group for guidance and to discuss how we can help you. Call (800) 222-9529 now.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Treatment and Prognosis of Erb’s Palsy
The vast majority of babies will recover on their own from Erb’s palsy, although it may take up to two years to regain full movement and sensation, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Some babies, however, will require some form of specialist treatment or surgical intervention.
Pediatric or neonatal surgery is usually required in cases involving avulsions, but noninvasive therapeutic treatments are usually the preferred option for recovering from relatively minor injuries. Range-of-motion and muscle mass can be retained using physical therapy exercises guided by Mom or Dad.
In the most serious cases, nerve transfers may need to be performed to help the affected area recover lost functions such as sensation and movement. As you can imagine, the cost of this type of procedure may be overwhelming. If your child’s Erb’s palsy was the result of a preventable injury, you may be able to recoup these costs. Call (800) 222-9529 for help today.
Waco Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Costs and Expenses Related to Erb’s Palsy
In addition to paying for the treatments and interventions outlined above, there may be additional costs you may face during the process of diagnosing and treating your child. Your Erb’s palsy attorney will detail all the economic damages you could seek via a claim or a lawsuit. Rest assured that your lawyers will also assign monetary values to your non-economic damages as well (pain and suffering) beside adding all the possible expenses you incur because of your child’s injuries:
- Imaging scans
- Nerve conduction tests
- Assistive devices for permanent injuries
- Home improvements to help your child gain independence despite a permanent injury
- Travel back and forth for doctor’s visits and related expenses
If your child’s birth injury or Erb’s palsy was the result of medical negligence, you may have grounds for a civil medical malpractice birth injury lawsuit against the doctor, medical team, or treatment facility who caused or failed to prevent your baby’s injuries.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Call Us for Legal Guidance in Your Waco Birth Injury Case
Our Waco Erb’s palsy lawyer may be able to help you manage your child’s case and pursue a malpractice claim for damages. If we believe you have a medical malpractice case, we will:
- Gather evidence in support of your claim.
- Quantify the damages you suffered.
- Pinpoint who was responsible for your child’s preventable birth injury.
- Submit relevant documentation and proof to the right courts and legal offices.
- Ensure you meet all filing deadlines and other regulatory requirements.
At the Birth Injury Lawyers Group, we work to ensure our clients have the information, legal guidance, and support they need while we seek financial compensation on their behalf.
Call us today at (800) 222-9529 to speak with a member of our birth injury team who can discuss the specific details of your case and explain your rights.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."