The birth of your baby should be the cause of much celebration and anticipation of the future. When your son or daughter is born with a birth injury, it can leave you with concerns about their future and with questions for the medical team who delivered your child.
You deserve to have your questions answered and to understand what the future holds for your child and your entire family. First, speak to your healthcare team about your child’s prognosis and any specialized medical care they might require. Then speak to a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer about the possibility of filing an insurance claim or lawsuit that could result in a financial settlement for your son or daughter’s current and future medical needs. Contact the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 for a free case review today.
File a Claim for Medical Malpractice on Behalf of Your Son or Daughter
A birth injury that caused Erb’s palsy could mean you are eligible to file an insurance claim or lawsuit on behalf of your son or daughter. Doing so on your own can be daunting and complex — especially while trying to care for an infant.
When you file a claim of medical malpractice, it means you believe your doctor or another member of your healthcare team failed to provide the expected standard of care and caused your child’s brachial plexus injury.
If you believe an accidental stretching or tearing of your baby’s nerves during delivery caused your baby’s birth injury, we recommend contacting a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer. Your child might be eligible for financial compensation to ensure they receive the care necessary to experience the optimal physical outcome they deserve.
Building a Case for Medical Malpractice
If you believe your child’s Erb’s palsy is the result of a birth injury, you should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. Be sure to share your medical records and your child’s medical records with your lawyer. Review the following information to help them reach a determination on the foundation and effectiveness of your potential financial claim.
- Share as many details as you can recall about your prenatal care, labor, and delivery experience.
- Recall the number of healthcare professionals present at your child’s birth and the role each person played.
- Obtain and share copies of your medical records starting from your first prenatal care appointment and assessment.
- Obtain and share copies of your child’s complete medical file starting from their birth, initial diagnosis of Erb’s palsy, and recommended treatment plan.
Your lawyer can use these documents and their own medical experts to build a comprehensive and successful claim for medical malpractice. Review your case with a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer immediately after your child’s diagnosis.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Coping with a Diagnosis of Erb’s Palsy
With a brachial plexus injury in newborns, you or your child’s physician might notice your child does not move their arm or hand on one side of their body. You may also notice they keep their arm straight and hold it close to their body. Alert your healthcare team to any concerns you have.
Your child will undergo tests and imaging exams to reach a final diagnosis. Once the doctors reach a diagnosis, they can outline a treatment plan that will help your child achieve as much functionality in their arm and hand as possible. With medical care that might include physical therapy and surgery, your infant could make a complete recovery.
Contact a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer today to determine the cause of your child’s birth injury or to file a lawsuit against the responsible party on their behalf.
How Erb’s Palsy Affects Your Child’s Future
Depending on the severity of their brachial plexus injury and resulting Erb’s palsy, your son or daughter will have different needs to treat or manage their condition. For some children, massage therapy and physical therapy sessions can help restore the use of their arm and hand. For other children, ongoing treatments and even surgery might be required for an optimal outcome. Sadly, some children might have permanent nerve damage or torn nerves that will not fully heal.
If your child has Erb’s palsy, seek the advice of a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer who can help you file a claim for financial compensation. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 for a free case evaluation.
The Non-Medical Expenses of Erb’s Palsy
In addition to ongoing medical care, a diagnosis of Erb’s palsy can create additional expenses for you and your entire family, such as:
- Travel expenses to and from doctor and therapy appointments
- Childcare expenses if a sitter is required for your other children
- The time you miss from work to care for your injured infant
If you incur any of these expenses or simply struggle with the financial weight of your child’s treatments for Erb’s palsy, seek help from a Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer. You may qualify to file a lawsuit for financial relief for your child’s birth injury-related expenses.
Cedar Rapids Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Get Financial Compensation for Your Child with Erb’s Palsy
The immediate and ongoing medical treatments your child with Erb’s palsy can cause severe financial hardship for your family. Do not wait to file a birth injury insurance claim or lawsuit on their behalf. A Cedar Rapids Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you understand the filing process and your potential for a favorable payout. Get help today. Call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group at (800) 222-9529 for a free case review.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."