A child can be born with Erb’s palsy due to various injuries sustained in the womb. However, some Waterbury cases, as well as cases around the nation, are caused by the negligence of the hospital staff. Erb’s palsy is the result of injuries sustained to the brachial plexus that cause weakness and insensitivity in one arm of a patient. For more information contact one of our Connecticut Erb’s palsy lawyer today.
The main cause of the injury in these cases is the use of excessive force by the hospital staff, such as pulling the newborn out too quickly or roughly. The resulting nerve damage affects anywhere along the shoulder to fingers, which can cause mobility issues.
Damage to the brachial plexus can occur when the staff fails to uphold a standard of medical care. This injury is caused when:
- The staff fails to prevent the condition.
- The staff does not execute a proper birth, such as not ordering a C-section, resulting in the baby being too large for the birth canal and getting nerve damage during the resulting birth.
- The baby comes out feet first, which is not advised in many cases — for this very reason.
- The staff executes poor judgment and uses forceps, or a similar tool, to grasp the baby during the birthing process and applies too much pressure to deliver the baby.
No matter what the cause was for your case of Erb’s palsy, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The civil courts handle cases just like this to examine wrongdoings. If found liable, the party responsible in your case may be required to pay out on damages they have caused.
Compensation in these cases can include:
- Mental health issues stemming from the disorder.
- Lack of work opportunities
- Ongoing treatment costs
- Medical bills resulting from treatment
- Medications
- Assistants who help the affected party
- Strains on the family due to the condition
- Affording proper transportation for the afflicted party
Here at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group, our Waterbury Erb’s palsy lawyers work with cases like these quite often. We want to protect your right to compensation so you can receive the care your family needs. Your compensation can help get you and your child the assistance and aid you both deserve. Call today for your free consultation at (800) 222-9529.
Complications From Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy is a type of brachial plexus injury. As the hospital staff is the first group of people to deal with a child in virtually all modern births in the United States, they have the responsibility to make sure that the baby is delivered properly. The ensuing negligence and symptoms can be devastating.
Symptoms of an Erb’s palsy diagnosis may include but are not limited to:
- A limp arm or a weak hand
- Weak strength in the affected area.
- Nerve damage that causes insensitivity to pain or temperature
- Atrophy of the affected area, which may be able to be combated with rehabilitation by a specialist in many cases
- Certain types of arthritis, including muscle rigidity or fluidity (muscles being abnormally flexible or soft)
- Lack of balancing abilities
- Damaged coordination due to the partial paralysis of the affected region
As young children are among society’s most vulnerable citizens, this type of partial paralysis can have untold effects on their mental well-being. With early treatment as soon as a guardian begins to see symptoms of the condition, some qualities of the disorder can be reversed or even fully healed over time.
Even if the victim does make a full recovery, it will still not undo the psychological effects that the condition leaves them. For all these reasons and more, the attorneys at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group want to help our clients protect their right to compensation. To learn more about the liability of hospital staff in Erb’s palsy cases, you can contact us today at (800) 222-9529 for your free consultation.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Waterbury Erb’s Palsy Lawyers Fighting for Victims
Erb’s palsy victims are different than traditional personal injury cases in that medical professionals caused their ailment. While accidents do happen, and they happen more than you might think in medical circles, they are unacceptable. It is unacceptable when a medical professional takes away the livelihood of a happy newborn baby for an injury that is preventable. That is why the lawyers at the Birth Injury Lawyer Group continue to fight for our client’s rights each and every day. Your right to compensation is one that is protected under the law and for a good reason.
We advise you to reach out to us as soon as possible. Each state has a deadline for filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. These deadlines are defined in what is referred to as the statute of limitations. Your Waterbury Erb’s palsy lawyer will be able to explain which statutes of limitation apply to your case and how they may be tolled.
To learn more about how we can help you fight for your right to compensation, the Birth Injury Lawyers Group can help you collect evidence, work with medical experts, and calculate your current losses and future medical needs. Basically, we can help you achieve peace of mind. With a lawyer in your corner, you will be able to worry about some of the more important things in your busy schedule. Call today at (800) 222-9529 for your free consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."