Erb’s palsy is a medical condition in which the nerves in the brachial plexus suffer damage during childbirth. This injury can result from your physician not taking the proper precautions to ensure that both mother and baby are safe and healthy during delivery.
While it is not always the case, Erb’s palsy birth injuries are preventable. Often, there are indicators that your doctor should recognize to decrease the chance of injuries to your baby during delivery.
If you suspect that your doctor negligently caused your child’s birth injuries, speak with a New Haven Erb’s palsy lawyer as soon as possible to assert your right to financial compensation related to your and your child’s physical, emotional, and financial losses. Contact the Birth Injury Lawyers Group for a no-obligation case review today at (800) 222-9529.
Erb’s Palsy as a Medical Condition
Erb’s palsy is the paralysis of the shoulder and arm area produced by a brachial plexus injury. The brachial plexus is a set of nerves responsible for controlling movement and muscle control. The medical condition may result in partial or total paralysis, which inhibits your child’s future development. Fortunately, the condition is manageable, with adequate medical attention and care.
Some Erb’s palsy cases result from injury to the baby during child delivery. If your child is given an Erb’s palsy diagnosis after childbirth, the symptoms affect your child’s head, neck, back, shoulders, or arms.
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group has helped parents who have children with medical Erb’s palsy caused by medical malpractice. These injuries carry lifelong consequences when you and your child do not have all the tools you need for a bright future.
To learn more about how you can file an Erb’s palsy compensation claim, call the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529. There is no obligation associated with this call. We are here to get your family the legal help it needs.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
What to Expect After an Erb’s Palsy Diagnosis
Once your child is delivered, your doctor performs an Apgar test on the baby, which generally checks things like heart rate, reflex, muscle tone, movement, and respiration to confirm that your newborn is healthy. If the Apgar test reveals abnormalities in any of these areas, your doctor will, or should, perform additional tests to see if your child has sustained brachial plexus damage.
For some patients, doctors are unable to diagnose nerve damage since it can take several weeks for symptoms to appear. Parents are generally aware that something is not right upon observing unusual muscle weakness or abnormal positioning of the arms or hands. Some babies are unable to move altogether.
When your baby or child receives a diagnosis of Erb’s palsy, other conditions that arise from the injury will require extensive treatment. However, care ultimately depends upon the severity of the damage. Most cases will resolve within a few years and not require medical treatment, according to the journal Paediatrics & Child Health.
Whether the injury does or does not resolve, you should not have to pay for the medical expenses and other support costs associated with raising a child who has Erb’s palsy. Your doctor owed you, your child, and your family a medical duty of care.
If they did not meet this standard, then you have the right to file a compensation claim. It is true that money does not cure your child. However, it does help you access the resources necessary so that you can adequately support them.
New Haven Erbs Palsy Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
What an Erb’s Palsy Compensation Claim May Cover
If you are contemplating submitting a compensation claim for medical malpractice due to your child’s Erb’s palsy injuries, you may also wonder how much your claim might be worth. Ultimately, that depends upon several factors, such as the severity of injuries, the level of negligence involved, and other facts of the case.
However, our New Haven Erb’s palsy lawyers will generally request compensation for the following losses:
- Past, current, and future out-of-pocket medical expenses
- Physical, occupational, and psychological therapy
- In-home and long-term care
- Accessibility modifications
- Prosthetics
- Medical devices
- Pain and suffering
- Lost future earning capacity
- Loss of life’s enjoyment
- Missed wages, if a parent missed work to care for the child
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group will investigate the medical evidence available alongside our team of experts to establish who is liable for your child’s Erb’s palsy birth injuries. However, it is crucial that you reach out to our New Haven Erb’s palsy lawyers as soon as reasonably possible.
This is due to your state’s statute of limitations laws. The statute of limitations is a civilly mandated deadline that prevents you from filing a claim if you miss it. Therefore, it is prudent to act now.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Seeking Justice With the Help of a New Haven Erb’s Palsy Lawyer
Medical malpractice claims are highly technical and complex. However, you should not allow this information to prevent you from seeking justice on behalf of your child.
Our New Haven Erb’s palsy injury lawyers will make the process as easy and straightforward as possible. You will also have reassurance in knowing that our attorneys represent your interests and fight on your behalf throughout the entire claims process.
We understand that retaining legal representation is not affordable for every family. It is for this purpose that we offer clients our legal services on contingency. A contingency is an alternative payment arrangement that does not require you to put up any money first. Instead, we receive payment for our services if, and only if, we recover a monetary award on your behalf.
The Birth Injury Lawyers Group is extending the opportunity for you to reach out to us for more information about your potential claim during a no-obligation case review. Call us today at (800) 222-9529.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."