No matter the condition in which a child is born, their birth is a precious moment that the parents will never forget. However, when a child is born with cerebral palsy due to the negligence of the medical staff, their birth can mark a long road to recovery. Between surgeries, rehabilitation, tutors, medications, and more, an infant suffering from cerebral palsy can have difficulties in life.
Unfortunately, there is no foolproof cure for the group of disorders known as cerebral palsy, and the symptoms can follow a child for the rest of their life. When the healthcare providers and the hospital are at fault, these factors should be taken into consideration when discussing compensation. Statutes are put into place to protect cases like yours. When somebody else puts your child in harm’s way, for any reason, they may be held liable in a court of law and ordered to pay compensation for their negligence. If you’ve received a diagnosis of cerebral palsy for your child, it’s important to know your options. Our Connecticut cerebral palsy lawyers are ready to help you start your journey to recovery. Our birth injury lawyers specialize in litigating complex birth injury cases.
Forms of negligence displayed by hospital staff in these cases can include, but may not be limited to:
- Injuring the head of the child by improperly using tools during the birth
- Stopping oxygen to the child’s brain
- Not displaying enough care while monitoring the pregnancy, which could have changed the outcome of the birth
- Failing to order a C-section birth due to the baby’s large size, resulting in injuries to its body when forced out of the birth canal
The inaction of hospital staff can be just as dangerous as their negligent actions. When you give birth at the same hospital that has helped you along your pregnancy for a period of time, they had plenty of time to notice anything abnormal going on with your child. Many of these cases are because the baby was simply too large for a traditional birth. By failing to recognize this, the staff is endangering the lives of not only the child but the mother herself.
The symptoms of cerebral palsy can cause the child to be left untreated for months or even years after the initial injury. An infant is busy learning everything it takes to develop into a person. These children may have trouble communicating or displaying physical symptoms. If you suspect that your child may have suffered injuries in the birthing process, it is important to get a second opinion by a medical professional.
Even if you are not quite sure exactly what caused cerebral palsy in your child, a Stamford cerebral palsy lawyer with the Birth Injury Lawyers Group would be happy to speak with you about your legal options. Take comfort in knowing that there is a legal team by your side working for your family’s rights. For more information, call today at (800) 222-9529. We will be standing by for your free consultation.
Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Infants
Early signs of cerebral palsy can be difficult to spot in young children because their body is constantly changing as it is. These types of disorders are already hard enough to diagnose in older patients because the term cerebral palsy is used to describe a spectrum of disabilities rather than one particular condition with one distinct set of symptoms.
When looking for signs of cerebral palsy in babies, the following symptoms can act as indicators:
- They do not display keen reflexes
- The child is unable to sit up on their own
- They are unable to eat properly or nurse from their mother
- Muscle mass may remain different from other babies their age
- The child only seems to be using one side of their body rather than their whole extremities
- The child is prone to spasms
Further, as the child ages into its first few years of life, new sets of symptoms of cerebral palsy can tell a parent that there is something wrong with their development. These symptoms may include, but may not be limited to:
- The child is unable to speak by the time they are two months old
- The child is not walking by the time they are a year and a half old
The cerebral palsy symptoms may vary wildly between patients due to the natural complexity of the human brain. If one area of the brain sustained injuries in one child, their speech may be delayed, while a child with a similar injury only a few inches away may have trouble moving their limbs. Meeting with a cerebral palsy specialist can help you understand the true extent of the child’s disorder.
Further, gathering substantial medical proof of the condition may help you present your case for compensation. The legal world can be confusing, the Birth Injury Lawyers Group wants to help take the pressure off you and make your busy schedule a little bit easier. To find out more about your legal right to compensation, call today at (800) 222-9529 for your free consultation.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Contact the Birth Injury Lawyers Group Today to Learn More
A Stamford cerebral palsy lawyer with the Birth Injury Lawyers Group knows the type of toll cerebral palsy can take on a family because we have seen countless cases over the years. By gathering the legal evidence you may need in your case, we hope to ensure that you get the help your family needs. We will review the circumstances surrounding your case carefully before moving forward. Call us today at (800) 222-9529 for your free consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."