The development of the spinal cord is a vital part of life. Damage to the cord can cause an incredible number of disabilities. It can even be fatal. So when doctors damage the cord or miss a defect because of negligence, parents and children deserve compensation.
Our spinal birth injury lawyers in Chandler, AZ, can help you seek justice. An Arizona Spinal Birth Injuries Lawyer from Birth Injury Lawyers Group can connect you with one who will explain your legal options and tell you if you have a case. You could receive cash compensation to pay for your child’s care.
Possible Damages in Spinal Birth Injury Cases
Caring for an infant with a spinal birth injury can ruin your family’s finances and cause great pain to you and your infant. It’s a difficult situation, but it can become easier if you work with one of our spinal birth injury attorneys.
Your medical team could owe your family compensation for your child’s spinal birth injury. Money from a settlement or court award will help you pay for the costs of caring for your child, including medical bills and lost wages. Access to care will improve the future quality of life for your baby.
Also, you could be eligible for non-economic damages like pain and suffering. These are difficult to calculate since they are not tied to a bill, but they’re often high in spinal birth injuries. If we can prove negligence caused your child’s injury, your doctors could owe you quite a lot.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Types of Spinal Injuries
Spinal injuries in babies usually involve a problem with the spinal cord. It could be completely cut or partially damaged. When the cord is cut, all the nerves below the cut become paralyzed. A baby could lose complete control of their limbs, bathroom functions, or even stop breathing.
Partial damage is slow to heal, and the nerve sensations may become confusing. Your baby could feel sharp tingles or burning sensations from the damaged nerves. Muscles may not develop properly because they cannot get exercise. This is dangerous for small children who need that stimulation to grow properly.
There are also birth defects that can affect the spinal cord. One of the most well-known ones is spina bifida, which happens when the spinal cord isn’t sealed properly in the spine. We can build a case if they did not find a detectable birth defect in a timely manner and caused injury to your child.
Chandler Spinal Birth Injury Lawyer Near Me 1-800-222-9529
Common Causes of Spinal Birth Injuries
Barring birth defects, external trauma is the most likely cause of a spinal birth injury. The crushing pressure of birth on the baby’s back in a difficult labor could cause an injury, but it’s more likely that a doctor made a wrong maneuver during delivery or did not treat your baby with care after birth.
Sometimes a doctor will use forceps to free a baby in a difficult birth. These tools are dangerous but sometimes necessary. However, if the doctor squeezes the baby in the wrong place or with too much pressure, the spine could break and cause damage to the spinal cord.
Dropping a baby could also cause a back injury that creates a problem with the spinal cord. It’s rare that a medical professional would drop a child by accident or set them down too hard, but it has happened! Regardless of the cause, if it happened due to a violation of the standards of care, you have a case.
"We know first-hand what you are going through."
Standards of Care and Birth Injury Cases
To win a personal injury case, lawyers have to prove that the defendant acted in a way that was unreasonable and that act caused the plaintiff injury. But in medicine, doctors sometimes have to do something risky in order to prevent a worse scenario.
Shoulder dystocia is a good example, where the baby’s shoulder gets stuck on the mom’s pelvis. This is a medical emergency. Doctors might have to use forceps or pressure on the mother to free the child. Sometimes this causes injuries but saves the life of the baby.
To get evidence your doctor broke the rules, our lawyers use their skills, previous case law, and the wisdom of medical experts who know what’s reasonable and what isn’t. If we believe your case is valid, we will do everything in our power to prove it to the insurers.
"Our Birth Injury Lawyers have recovered over $750+ Million on behalf of our clients."
Who Pays in a Spinal Birth Injury Case?
Obstetrics has the highest rate of malpractice claims out of all medical specialties, so your doctor and hospital likely have malpractice insurance. Just like auto insurance pays in car crashes, malpractice insurers pay for malpractice claims.
Getting money out of those insurers is tough if you don’t have a birth injury lawyer on your side. If there is a straightforward case of malpractice, they might even try to offer you a settlement upfront. Don’t take it without consulting with a lawyer first.
The full costs of the injuries may not be clear yet, and once you take a settlement, you cannot get more later. Get the full value of your case by working with one of our spinal birth injury lawyers in Chandler, AZ.
Contact Our Qualified Spinal Birth Injury Lawyers
Caring for a child with an injured spinal cord adds another layer of difficulty to parenthood. Don’t shoulder the burden alone. Get the compensation you deserve after your child’s injury by contacting our spinal birth injury attorneys at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group.
You can reach us by calling, texting, or emailing us through our contact page. We will connect you with a lawyer in Chandler that’s qualified to handle your case and has experience with the injuries your child has suffered. Your consultation is free and without obligation. Call today.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."