Depending on the baby’s age, the warning signs of a brain hemorrhage may include drooping eyelids, hearing loss, vision impairments, sensitivity to light, abnormal weakness on one side of the body, and more.
One of the frightening parts about infant brain hemorrhages is that the symptoms may vary depending on the specific hemorrhage type. Additionally, newborn babies naturally lack cognitive function, motor skills, and verbal communication as it is.
Research from MedlinePlus identifies some common warning signs and symptoms of infant brain hemorrhages, including:
- Lack of concentration
- Disorientation, confusion, or increased signs of distress
- Poor coordination, which may include backtracking on previous milestones like crawling or walking
- Unusually rigid neck
- Intense headaches (which will likely cause crying)
- Dilated pupils
- Memory loss
Types of Brain Hemorrhages that Are Common in Newborns
Infants can be affected by two types of brain hemorrhages: intracerebral hemorrhages (bleeding around the brain, but not inside it) and intraventricular hemorrhages (bleeding inside the brain ventricles). Overall, both hemorrhages are known as intracranial hemorrhages (bleeding inside the skull), but this term does not acknowledge the intricacies of these conditions.
Even though these hemorrhages all occur in the same small area of the body, they are known to have profoundly different causes, effects, and long-term complications.
The journal Child’s Nervous System
identifies the most common types of intracranial hemorrhages in babies. These conditions include:
- Intraparenchymal hemorrhages: This condition is often caused by hypertension, tumors, inflamed blood vessels, or infections. As it forms, blood flows into the functional brain tissues, otherwise known as “parenchyma.”
- Subarachnoid hemorrhages: This condition manifests between the brain and the tissues that surround it. This is often caused by a head injury or a burst artery (ruptured aneurysm).
- Epidural hemorrhages: This type of bleeding begins in the veins or arteries, commonly appearing after a significant head injury. As the condition progresses, the epidural region (the outer section of the spinal canal) is filled with blood.
- Subdural hemorrhage: When a child is subjected to a penetrative head injury, blood begins to pool between the dura (the thick membrane covering the brain) and the actual brain. This condition can rapidly fill the brain with blood and cause life-threatening complications.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Doctors Can Cause Brain Hemorrhages in Newborns
Yes, many cases of infant brain hemorrhages are caused by medical negligence. These types of malpractice can take many forms, including physical harm, neglect, improper advice, and inexperience.
Infant brain hemorrhages are often caused by direct birth injuries, such as using forceps during the delivery process. However, these conditions can worsen after a misdiagnosis, dangerous prescription, or prolonged birth.
For example, using a vacuum extractor to remove the infant during childbirth can cause traumatic head injuries, leading to a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Alternatively, a child may be exposed to a serious infection after the attending physicians fail to call for a caesarian section (C-section) during a difficult delivery — ultimately leading to an intraparenchymal hemorrhage.
Ultimately, failing to prevent injuries can be just as dangerous as directly causing them — especially when a pregnant mother and unborn child are trusting you to take care of them.
Birth Injury Lawyers Fighting for Victims of Brain Hemorrhages
We want you to know that our attorneys can be there to represent your case every step of the way. We offer multiple legal services to help take the pressure off you during this difficult time. To learn more about our legal services for victims of infant brain hemorrhages, contact a representative at the Birth Injury Lawyers Group today at (800) 222-9529 to get started with your free consultation.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."