The causes of swallowing problems in infants vary. However, they are common, especially in children with developmental disabilities, brain injury, and some other birth injuries. Swallowing problems may be caused by:
- Cerebral palsy or another birth injury caused by brain damage
- Reflux, sometimes called GERD
- Digestive problems
- Heart conditions
- Cleft lip or cleft palate, including minor cases
- Asthma or other respiratory conditions
- Muscle issues in the face and neck
- And more
In addition, babies who are on certain medications may not be hungry, causing side effects that may appear to be an issue with feeding or swallowing. Babies with sensory issues may also struggle to eat milk that is too cold or hot, or certain textures of foods. Babies who were born early may be more likely to suffer from a feeding or swallowing concern.
Children with swallowing problems may experience serious and even life-threatening medical concerns as a result. This is why it is important to get a diagnosis and treatment for children with problems feeding or swallowing as early as possible.
Symptoms of a Swallowing Problem in Babies
The symptoms of a feeding or swallowing concern in infants vary. Your child may experience several of the symptoms on this list, or only one or two.
You may want to talk to your child’s doctor if your baby seems to have an issue feeding or swallowing, including:
- Cries or tenses body during feeding
- Coughs or gags when eating
- Struggles to breathe while feeding
- Does not tolerate feedings
- Feeds slowly
- Throws up
- Seems to drool excessively
- Gets stuffy or congested at mealtimes
- Struggles to gain weight
- And more
Related concerns may include:
- Dehydration
- Nutrition issues and impaired growth
- Aspiration, when food, stomach acid, or liquids go into the airway
- Social issues related to eating
Discuss your concerns with your baby’s doctor if you worry that your child may have a problem feeding or swallowing. They should run tests to determine a diagnosis, put a treatment plan in place, and determine if this issue is related to another medical concern.
"If your child was born with a birth injury, or cerebral palsy, we can help."
Birth Injuries Can Lead to Swallowing Problems in Some Cases
If your child has problems swallowing because of a preventable birth injury such as cerebral palsy, or if your doctor failed to properly diagnose your child’s condition when another doctor would have, you may be able to seek a payout through a medical malpractice case.
A medical malpractice and birth injury lawyer can offer advice on whether they believe you have a case against the doctor, hospital, or another party. A lawyer can build your case, gather evidence in your defense, and handle communications on your behalf. They can also call on medical experts to testify in your case, if necessary.
You may be eligible to pursue compensation for the damages your family suffered, including both your current bills and your future expenses. This may include:
- Medical treatment and care
- Time you have to take away from work to care for your child’s needs
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Pain and suffering
Get Help Today From the Birth Injury Lawyers Group
If doctor negligence harmed your child, the Birth Injury Lawyers Group may be able to help your family pursue compensation in settlement negotiations or a medical malpractice lawsuit. We represent families nationwide on a contingency-fee basis. This means there are no up-front payments required, and we do not collect attorney fees unless and until our clients recover compensation in a settlement offer or court award.
We can speak with you about your child’s condition and provide you with a complimentary case review today. You may be able to get answers to your questions about your case and have a better idea about your next steps. Call (800) 222-9529 for your free consultation with a representative of the Birth Injury Lawyers Group.
Keep in mind that each state has deadlines that apply in a medical malpractice case, and many also have rules that apply differently when the victim of malpractice is a newborn. The Birth Injury Lawyers Group can explain what specific deadlines pertain to your case when you call.
"We are committed to helping families who have suffered medical negligence."